Kokoda Spirit is the largest employee of PNG Guides, Carriers and Porters on the Kokoda Trail.
Our business is registered in Australia as Kokoda Spirit Pty Ltd and we are registered with the PNG Internal Revenue Commissionin PNG as Kokoda Spirit PNG Limited.
We operate within the laws and requirements of both countries and pay our tax in both Australia and PNG.
Our PNG employees are registered with the PNG Internal Revenue Commission for income tax.
This ensures they are covered for tax and superannuation benefits.
We do not sub contract out our logistics in PNG to third party organisations.
We are proud to be an Australian and PNG registered and based company that employs locals and generates real benefits for PNG.
Our locally based PNG Guideswere born or raised along the Kokoda Track corridor or Northern Beaches areas and are all qualified, trained and English speaking.
Naturally they have an intimate knowledge of the track and can show our trekkers things that you wouldn’t otherwise discover.
We are proud to employ locals and provide income, training and a career to the local people of the Kokoda Trail.
Our PNG Guides are professionally trained in first aid, food preparation, river crossings, risk management and trekker safety.
Our PNG Guides and Senior PNG Staff all go through a rigorous training process, which includes track first aid at the start of every trekking season.
A fully qualified Paramedic Trainer provides this training.
We also have access to our specialist Wilderness Nurse who can assist with porter health.
Our Porters and Carriers are also briefed and resourced with knowledge and equipment to allow them to work in a healthy environment.